
The Tenable.io integration for Patchdeck allows to sync vulnerability and asset data between your Patchdeck and Tenable.io accounts. This improves scan coverage for Tenable.io and let’s you see and fix vulnerability findings directly in Patchdeck.

To setup the integration you first need to create API credentials in Tenable. Make sure to create these for a user who has the correct access rights for the scan results you want to connect to Patchdeck. Please refer to the Tenable documentation on how to create API keys: Generate API Keys

When you have your Tenable API credential (an access key and a secret key), head over to you Patchdeck console and click on “Integrations” in the sidebar. Then search for the Tenable integration and click on “Activate”, paste in your credentials and save.

Your Tenable integration is now active. The initial sync can take up to 30 minutes. After that you should see a new field in the detail view of a system:

Clicking on the button opens a list with all vulnerability findings that Tenable.io identified for this system. If there is a matching patch for a finding you can start the rollout directly from this view (this is a beta feature and only supports Windows security patches for now):

You can also see a searchable list of all Tenable findings in your environment by navigating to Integrations -> Tenable -> Show findings.