Update the Patchdeck agent

We constantly improve the Patchdeck agent to bring you new functionalities. When you click on a system in your patch management console you can see if the system runs the latest version of the Patchdeck agent. If you see the following label that means there is a newer version available:


For Windows systems the easiest way is to update the Patchdeck agent via Patchdeck itself. You will see the new version of the agent as an available patch in the patch rollout view or for a specific system. On Windows Server this requires version 2.4.0 or higher of the Patchdeck agent. 

You can also use a Powershell script to update the agent (standalone or as a part of a group policy)

Invoke-WebRequest 'https://download.patchdeck.com/PatchdeckWindowsAgentInstaller.latest.msi' -OutFile PatchdeckWindowsAgentInstaller.latest.msi; msiexec /i PatchdeckWindowsAgentInstaller.latest.msi /qn | Out-Null;

To manually update the agent on a system download the new agent version from https://patchdeck.com/patch_management/agents and follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you are logged in with an account that has administrator permissions
  2. Right click the installer file (PatchdeckWindowsAgentInstaller.msi) and choose “Run as administrator”
  3. Wait until the setup finishes


If you added the Patchdeck repository for Debian- or Redhat-based distributions you can update the Patchdeck agent via Patchdeck itself. You will see the new version of the agent as an available patch in the patch rollout view or for a specific system. You can also run apt upgrade patchdeck-linux-agent to update to the latest version. Alternatively, you can download the new agent version from https://patchdeck.com/patch_management/agents and install it manually following these steps:

  1. Open a terminal console
  2. Change into the directory where you downloaded the agent and run the following command :
    1. For Debian-based distributions: sudo dpkg -i patchdeck-linux-agent_1.0.1.deb
    2. For RedHat-based distributions: sudo rpm -U patchdeck-linux-agent_1.0.1.rpm
  3. That’s all! The Patchdeck agent is updated to the latest version.


  1. Download the new agent version from https://patchdeck.com/patch_management/agents
  2. Double-click the installer and follow the installation instructions
  3. That’s all! The Patchdeck agent is updated to the latest version.